Dear Friends in Christ, 
As government officials begin to speak of a brighter future, many people have asked me when we will be able to reopen our churches, and under what conditions. I would like to know that too! I promise that as soon as I have something reliable to report, I will pass it on to you without delay. In the meantime, we plan to continue livestreaming the celebration of Holy Mass via Facebook. Here follows the schedule for the next seven days.

Friday, April 17     6pm     Sacred Hearts

Saturday, April 18     9am     St Mary Marion

Sunday, April 19     9am     Sacred Hearts

Sunday, April 19     11am     St Mary Marion

Monday, April 20 – Friday, April 24     6pm     St Mary Marion

Speaking of livestreams: I apologize for the technical problem that ruined the livestream of the Mass on Monday, April 13. Because Fr. Tennant’s IPad was not available, I decided to use my ancient laptop (more than 5 years old!) and the strain was too much for the old girl. After that bad experience I tried my new cell phone, which finds tasks like this to be very easy. It can do all sorts of things; I am still discovering all its features. They say it can also be used to make phone calls but I have not yet confirmed whether this is true. 

I am attaching to this email a document from the Diocese of Columbus that reminds us of church teaching concerning the forgiveness of sins and indulgences. It explains what we can do in an emergency situation when it is not possible to confess our sins to a priest. I think that if you read it carefully, it will answer many common questions and provide spiritual comfort.  

Let’s stay united in prayer!Sincerely Yours, in Christ, 

Father Thomas BufferPastor
