Dear Friends in Christ, 

As previously announced, we plan to resume hearing confessions, by appointment only, on Friday, May 1. Here is the schedule for confessions on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

To schedule your confession at Sacred Hearts, please call Tammy Dieter at 567-231-8067Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday between 9:30 am and 1pm.

To schedule your confession at St. Mary, please call Dolores Zentkovich at 382-0324 Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday between 9:30 am and 1pm.

Appointments will be made by telephone only.

Remember that you will have a maximum of five minutes to enter the confession area, make your confession, and receive penance and absolution. Please read the attached document for further instructions.

Friday, May 1
Sacred Hearts
7pm – 9pm                  Buffer 7-8; Tennant 8-9

Saturday, May 2
St. Mary
11am-1pm                   Tennant 11-noon, Buffer noon-1

 Sacred Hearts
4pm-7pm                     Buffer 4-5:30, Tennant 5:30 – 7

Sunday, May 3
St. Mary
2pm-5pm                     Tennant 2-3:30. Buffer 3:30-5

We will announce more days and times later in the week after we see how many persons have made appointments so far.
Let’s stay united in prayer!Sincerely Yours, in Christ, 
Father Thomas BufferPastor
